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Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Analysis of pH on Various Herbal Lipsticks

Analysis of pH on Various Herbal Lipsticks

  • Yuningsih, Yunianto. (2013). Analysis of pH on Various Herbal Lipsticks. International Conference on Green World in Business and Technology. Yogyakarta
  • : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

        • Mostly used to add the lips beauty, aesthetic and personal appeal, lipsticks have been inseparable from women. It has been suggested the herbal lipstick as an alternative product suitable for women with many advantages i.e. natural color, improved moisture and pigment with less likely to cause irritation on skin. In this paper, we intended to describe the pH levels on various herbal lipsticks products with regard to their potentiality in causing skin irritation. Literature study on some reports was conducted to investigate the formulation of lipsticks production which have different levels of pH. Based on the data provided in their respective experiments, we suggested that the best product based on pH level is lipsticks made of cacao seeds extract with 16% concentration.

          Keyword: cosmetics, herbal lipsticks, lips, pH, and irritation.

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