Student’s Misconception of Digestive System Materials in MTs Eight Grade of Malang City and the
Role of Teacher’s Pedadogic Competency in MTs
Yuswa Istikomayanti, Zuni Mitasari
Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi,
Jl.Telaga Warna Blok. C, Tlogomas, Malang, 65144, Telp.(0341)565500
e-mail korespondensi: yuswa2710@gmail.com
Penelitian miskonsepsi memiliki nilai penting dalam pengembangan proses berfikir siswa khususnya
bidang sains. Melalui identifikasi konsep-konsep penting yang harus dikuasai siswa maka guru dengan
mudah mampu memberikan penekanan pada konsep penting atau utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan
mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi materi sistem pencernaan pada siswa MTs kelas 8 serta peranan
kompetensi pedagogik guru. Penelitian survey ini dilakukan di kelas 8A (16 siswa) dan 8B (17 siswa)
MTs Muhammadiyah 1 dan kelas 8E (19 siswa) Surya Buana Kota Malang. Tahapan penelitian survey
yaitu tahap penyusunan tujuan penelitian (formulasi), penentuan sampel, penyusunan dan validasi
instrumen, pengumpulan data, dan analisis data. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes miskonsepsi,
angket respon siswa, panduan observasi pembelajaran, serta form isian kompetensi pedagogik guru.
Temuan hasil pembelajaran didiskusikan bersama kelompok observer, selanjutnya dinilai dengan rubrik
penilaian dan mengelompokkan kategori miskonsepsi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga
guru baik yang tersertifikasi dan belum tersertifikasi terbukti masih terbatas dalam mengatasi
miskonsepsi pada proses pembelajaran serta hasil tes miskonsepsi siswa sebagian besar hanya mencapai
level 3 (sedang). Dengan demikian penelitian miskonsepsi materi sistem pencernaan atau materi sistem
faal lainnya perlu mendapatkan perhatian dari pihak guru serta praktisi pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: kompetensi pedagogik, miskonsepsi, sistem pencernaan
Misconception research has important value in the development of students' thinking processes especially in
science field. As the identification of important concepts that must be mastered by the students can be done,
the teacher will easily able to emphasis the important or main concepts. This study aims to identify the
students’ misconception in digestive system materials in eight grade of MTs and teacher pedagogic
competence role. The survey was conducted in 8A (16 students) and 8B (17 students) MTs Muhammadiyah 1
and 8E (19 students) Surya Buana Malang. The stages of research survey were: preparation of research
goals (formulation), sample determination, preparation and instruments validation, data collection, and data
analysis. The instruments used were: misconception test, student response questionnaire, learning
observation guide, and teacher pedagogic competency form. The findings of the learning outcomes were
discussed with the observer team, which then were assessed by using the assessment rubric and classified
into the categories of student misconceptions. The results showed that the three teachers, neither certified
nor uncertified were proved to be limited in overcoming misconceptions in the learning process; meanwhile,
the results of students’ misconception test were mostly reach only level 3 (medium). Thus, the study of
misconceptions of the digestive system material or other physiological material matter needs to get the
attention of the teachers and educational practitioners.
Keywords: digestive system, misconception, pedagogic competence
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